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Nwanyinma Dike 

Welcome to the Atlanta Startup Podcast. I am Nwanyinma Dike managing director of Startup Runway Foundation, the leading platform linking underrepresented founders to capital and its investors. On this episode of the Atlanta Startup Podcast, I’m excited to welcome Brian Glover. He’s the founder of Previewed, where Previewed is reimagining the job interview process by providing a platform where candidates can record and share video responses and interview questions and really just revolutionizing and increasing engagement as it relates to onboarding and potentially exploring different employment opportunities. And I’m going to allow Brian to share more about it himself. He probably does a way better job than I can. But I wanted to also mention that Brian is significant and that he recently captured the Audience Choice Award at our most recent edition of the Startup Runway Pitch competition and for that reason, I’m also super excited to invite him here today. So Brian, thank you for joining the podcast. Let’s get started.

Brian Glover 

Thank you again for having me. So I’m changing a little bit because that’s just one small segment of what Previewed is. So, pretty much what Previewed is to the audience, for everyone that’s listening, where immersive, gamified career platform powered by AI for seamless Career Discovery and Upskilling, just to make the hiring process more frictionless. So pretty much think of it like this. When it comes down to job seekers, we give you a GPS, just like you have in your iPhone. Whereas you first assess where you are, then you put in your locations, they provide you different routes to determine where you want to go, and how you want to get there, and then once you select that, it gives you step by steps on how to get to that career destination. On the flip side of that marketplace, we hope employers, source assess, hire, develop, and retain great quality talent all in one place, creating a career life cycle application. So it’s a little bit more than just interviewing and things of that nature, because you gotta first get prepared and bring the tools to the table that you can offer an employer before you can just get in front of them. So our whole goal is to make sure that people that are candidates, and our primary focus is blue-collar industry, so getting individuals that may not be traditionally aligned with these blue-collar industries into the know, understanding, providing more visibility to them with like a day in the life videos of a plumber or electrician, someone working on the manufacturing lines, and showing them the pros, the cons, as well as the day to day that goes into there, and then, at the same time, providing them a blueprint on how to attain the skills without necessarily going to trade school or taking on a ton of debt going to college, but providing them a streamlined path to break into those different career pathways. So that’s just Previewed a little nutshell, and that’s what we’ve been cooking up, thus far.

Nwanyinma Dike 

That’s awesome. I see I was right. You would do a better job explaining what I would but that is that is incredible, that the compelling nature of what you’re building and the problem it’s solving is why you won the Audience Choice Award at the 26th edition of the Startup Runway Pitch competition. But before we go down that trend, I would love to get a bit more of what inspired you choosing to build this platform. 

Brian Glover 

Honestly, I’m from Washington, DC, so I’m used to seeing individuals get thrown into certain career paths and just be stuck there because their mother did it, or their father or grandfather or uncle were in government. So most people go to government, or they go within the school system, so things that nature, so they pretty much block off and they throw blinders up to endless opportunities. So I seen a lot of talented individuals get stuck and stagnated in their, you know, day-to-day, whereas they’re not really, truly tapping into their potential or knowing what that true potential is. So I wanted to create a platform to provide visibility that was outside the traditional norms to individuals who have a true shot of development and cultivating what we call the American dream. So I look back at it, you know, just going further, you know, I got, I come from a family of entrepreneurs. My uncle ran a very successful construction company for like, 40-plus years in DC. So, seeing him and seeing the blue-collar have a massive impact on my family, as so many individuals that I feel like could take advantage of it. And then just looking at the labor crisis, right now. We’re looking at a mass exodus of baby boomers leaving these blue-collar trades, whereas right now, by 2028 we’re looking at like, 3 million plus necessity blue-collar jobs looking to set the pretty much go unfilled. So I felt like, instead of complaining. About the issue and waiting until the, you know, the water gets cut off or the lights go out or the internet goes down, it is best to go ahead and provide a solution that would, entice Gen Z and millennials to get into these overshadowed careers that aren’t, you know, normally being pressed and presented to them in our traditional norms. So that’s what made me to go ahead and create Previewed.

 Nwanyinma Dike 

That’s incredible, and you were tapping on all kinds of headlines, if you listen to the news for any period of time, like, you know, the aging workforce. How do you create a pipeline of folks that can fill in these kinds of key, kind of core to running our society jobs, and do it in a way that the newest generation of people and young people out there can engage and get a view into it? So that’s why I really am excited about what you’re building with Previewed. So with all that like, how would you describe your entrepreneur, your journey so far, and your experience so far, building Previewed?

Brian Glover 

Just hearing that question, I could tell you, it’s been an emotional roller coaster, with ups and downs. So I can tell you that anyone that’s sitting on the sidelines right now contemplating whether to jump in and start their own, you know, startup, or any business, a small business, per se, just expect that you’re going to feel highs and lows, and when you hit those lows, don’t give up, because failure is part of the process of we made a lot of mistakes, and we weren’t from those mistakes to get us to this point now, whereas we’re starting to see some type of traction and pull towards what we’re doing. So I can say this is been the most enjoyable roller coaster that I’ve ever been on. And I’m one of those kids that used to go to Kings Dominion and hop on a roller coaster and get excited. But this is one that you get excited one day, and then you say the next day, and then you get excited. So it’s just being able to deal with it and continue to stay resilient and push through. So I can honestly say it’s been a journey all the way around.

Nwanyinma Dike 

And I love that analogy to roller coasters. Absolutely! It would be weird if you said it’s chill, it’s cool, that would tell me that you weren’t doing the right you you weren’t quite on the right track. And so I love that. That the your analogy to the roller coaster, the ups and downs. And so I want to give you a chance to kind of brag on Previewed a little bit. Can you talk a bit about some of the ups along the journey?

Brian Glover 

Yeah, so for some of the UPS, we’ve been able to build an extensive waitlist whereas we got about 2000 plus jobs currently wait-listed, waiting for the platform to release. From that right now, we were able to sign up one of our massive pay pallets, which is one of the biggest furniture manufacturers on the East Coast, whereas, thus far, has allowed us to vet out about 300 plus maintenance technicians through our pipeline to whereas we’re being able to trial and error certain, concepts and things and theories that we’re thinking about here, from the immersive gamification to how our Omni intelligence system works. Because it’s not just simply the AI model that we’re building. We’re building a multi-module system. So it’s processing visuals, whereas we’re taking information from your video, from not only the job seeker’s point of perspective but also from the employer. So instead of just a regular job listing, we have hiring managers record a video and provide us with two concepts of what they’re looking for out of that particular role that they’re hiring. All that information feeds into it at the same time we’re having candidates then do immersive gamification assessments that are then providing the skill-based target points to whereas, they may not, per se, have the pedigree on paper when it comes down to a resume, but they have the skills to pay the bills to, whereas they can get in front of these individuals and show and shine to whereas it provides a more holistic view of who they are. So it’s probably the biggest shift. And then at the same time, we’re seeing this massive tailwind. Right now, with everything coming back on shore, a high demand for blue-collar jobs. We’re seeing manufacturing definitely re-ramp up here, stateside. And with that happening, you have a massive need for talent. So this is a prime opportunity for a solution like ours to connect with the younger generation and get them into these opportunities. Because, like I said, You got semiconductor, you know, manufacturers out in Arizona, out in Ohio, out in New York that are currently ramping up and building out factories, whereas they’re going to need bodies, and these are like industries and key, you know, professions that right now necessarily won’t be impacted by AI or affected with humanoid robots, because, you know, certain things a robot and AI aren’t just capable of doing. You need a human touch too. And these are like a, you know, just seeing the trends, these are going to be some of the highest paid jobs come, 2030 so right now is the best time, you know, to branch out, get our mission out there. And with us being able to build relationships with workforce developments as well as economical developments on the state side of things, we’re starting to see, you know, a true tailwind of people wanting to, you know, ride the, you know, this win with us to whereas we can be victorious. So thus far, that’s one of the biggest things other than that. As I said, when Startup Runway was definitely, a big victory. It provided a boost and confidence for me, as well as my co-founder. Because, like I said, we’ve been going at this now for about 15 to 16, months now, and it’s been a true grind. And seeing the fact that individuals like yourselves at Startup Runway and all the fans that tuned in, even those here where we’re located right now in North Carolina, with NC ideas,  having those early believers. It’s been truly a journey this year, and it’s been amazing. I can honestly say that.

Nwanyinma Dike 

That’s good. Well, you brought up stutter. One thing I wanted to get your sense of, like, how was your experience? I know this one was particularly special in that it was virtual. We typically have them in person. So share a bit about how your experience was with the showcase you won at.

Brian Glover 

I’m being honest, I was surprised that we got selected. I was like, oh, man, it’s like 1000s of very successful startups. Everyone has their ideas and for us to stand out in that small power to get a slot in the tent. That was just a blessing there. So pretty much it was a lot of anxiety leading up into the event because we were nervous. And, like I said, I was like, I’ve been practicing getting that pitch down in the five minutes because I didn’t want to get cut short. So it helped me refine and target in on key points that I needed to, um, it provided a platform, whereas we can now, get our mission out, vision to multiple individuals across the country that tuned in through the startup runway foundation and ultimately just sitting there, whether it be the things that come before the actual showcase like I felt like having that board meeting with investors as well as the mentors that you guys provide, it provided that additional level of confidence that we needed to go in. It’s like, hey, we know what we have, let’s go ahead and show the world. And yeah, it’s something memorable that we won’t ever forget. It’s a part of our journey, and we’ll be touted as one of the things that help get us to a certain point to whereas, yeah, we’re still living off that high from winning.

Nwanyinma Dike 

I appreciate it. I always ask that question. One little selfishly, because I want to hear like, okay, the work we’re doing, is it landing? Is it where folks receiving it? And I’m glad to hear it, and I’m glad that the audience is able to hear it as well. And we’re excited to be a part of your story. Yes, it’s very competitive, but you deserve to be in the room, the virtual room and the pricey one is an indication of that as well. So actually, you spoke to something that I wanted to highlight in your mentioned practice. So for those that might be listening, who want a bit of pitch at an event like this, who are early in their journey of like, a few steps behind where you are right now, what advice might you give them in preparing for a pitch, and then the advice in general.

Brian Glover 

Right now, just advice in general, I’m big on, you know, repetition. So even when I’m coaching football, teaching my kids and things of that nature, if you want to be good at anything, you gotta be repetitive. And not just staying reclusive to yourself, but signing up for every little pitch event there is so locally.  I’ve signed up with probably 20 pitches prior to this, and been able to get my vision out, but at the same time, be able to refine myself, and get key feedback on what I needed to do, but at the same time. Another thing is just being able to understand what you’re doing, and being able to convey your message because yourself, as a founder, you being able to pitch your vision is going to be the make or break for your success. So practice came into it, and like nights where the business didn’t require me to be doing stuff on the back end, building with my co-founder, or speaking with customers, you gotta be putting the grinding, because all these pitches are doing is getting you investor ready. Because if you do see yourself becoming a billion-dollar [ enterprise, at the end of the day, you’re going to need investors, and investors want to bet on the best force, and the best force is the one putting in the work when no one’s looking. So I would just say, constantly sign up for pitches, and practice at home. If you have a significant other friends, relatives, or even my children, I pitch them. So it’s just like I’m trying to pitch whoever. Because if it can stick with a kid, it’ll be able to resonate with anyone else of any other age range. If it can stick with your grandmother, you’ll be able to be able to know what you need to say, and what you need to take out, but definitely, it comes down to just repetitions. At the end of the day, that’s the master formula to it.

Nwanyinma Dike 

That is gold. That’s a real gem. I hope that the listeners are catching that repetition, and it’s not just for the purpose of getting your pitch or winning a pitch competition, but it translates, like you said, to how much you’re investing in your company to grow it, especially when it’s early and you’re just getting started, and most of the work is telling the vision. I always say that entrepreneur, being an entrepreneur very early, is like being a crazy person because you are describing something in detail that does not try to convince people, yes, the thing. And so the storytelling and having repetition around that storytelling, and I love again that you mentioned pitching to your kids, and someone says that you really know what you’re talking about, and you have honed it on, on a message, if a young person can get it. And so, really good, really, really great advice. So with that, I think I want to give you an opportunity to share a bit around what’s next for Previewed.

Brian Glover 

So right now, what’s next for Previewed, we’re actually gearing up. We’re we’re fine-tuning the platform before launch. We’re aiming for launch for mid-September, for the initial launch, whereas we’re targeting the Southeast. With us targeting the Southeast Region, our primary goal right now is to get to that 25,000 job seekers on the platform and add in about anywhere between 100 to 250 plus employers to the platform, as well getting them more onboarded. But at the same time, we’re looking to expand on our strategic partnership. So this is a collective in order to really get our mission about so it comes with us working with different workforce development partners, different economical development partners on the state level, then reaching out to the career resource partners, which are additional, your educational partners, whether that be trade schools, online academies, any type of online learning, as well as like community colleges and things of that nature. We’re looking to set up strategic partnerships there to whereas we have a deeper level of offering to those as we continue to expand to whereas you’re not limited to just a few handful of educational options. And at the same time, we’re working with a few other additional partners that would be able to then help our candidates with getting into these different programs without having a dish out any type of monetary fund tool. So we’re working with trying to strategically put together like scholarship programs take advantage of different government programs and things of that nature to whereas we can provide a robust platform for our users to whereas they can really break into these industries and really make a difference. And then ultimately, like the real goal is to get to that, you know, 97 to 100% success rate. 100% is pretty much perfect, but perfect is impossible, but if I can get as close as possible to it, that’s what I’m looking for. And like I said, Honestly funding our next, our Pre-seed round. We haven’t started fundraising, as of yet. We’re still in a building, building relationships, cultivating that at the same time. So I can say by 2025 The goal is to get to that 25,000 job sequence on the platform that 250 employers and ultimately hit that pesky goal of a million dollars in revenue. That’s ultimately what we’re looking at right now. That’s the next milestone on our way.

Nwanyinma Dike 

Yeah, you are well prepared and well on track to get there. S with that, do you have any final thoughts for listeners?

Brian Glover 

Ultimately, as they say, for the lotto, you gotta be in it to win every opportunity that comes about. Submit your name. You never know when you’re going to be called and presented, but when you do get called and presented, just make sure that you’re ready to show up for the occasion, because certain opportunities only come around once, and you have to be able to capitalize on those opportunities to get the most out of it, and that’s how you’re able to get that vision. And like, like we said, you gotta be a little bit crazy to be doing what we’re doing as founders, creating things that haven’t come into fruition as of yet. So embrace that and put yourself around a good supporting cast and individuals who are willing to build with you. And yeah, the sky’s the limit from there.

Nwanyinma Dike 

Love it. Very well said, great. and last pit. How can people stay connected with you and Previewed?

Brian Glover 

We’re on every platform, so connect with us on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I’m happy on LinkedIn. That’s where I’m constantly on. If it’s not LinkedIn, I’m happy on TikTok. So I’m staying on both sides of my marketplace. So, LinkedIn for employers, and then connecting with Gen Z millennials. The number one platform out there is TikTok. You can go to, find us there, and then definitely connect with me on LinkedIn. And I’m constantly putting out information on a daily basis about, if not, Previewed subject matter in our industry, things that we’re seeing, trends, and things of that nature, as well as our podcast that we also have called The Future Proof podcast, Future Proof careers on the couch with preview in which we have a few more impactful episodes coming out at this moment in time. You can also find us on YouTube as well, at previewed. careers, tune in and get some free games. And if you’re interested in supporting and jumping into the trades, always go over to preview dot careers. Join our waitlist and stay in tune to what we have laid up for the future.

Nwanyinma Dike 

Very well said. So thank you so much, Brian, this is another episode of the Atlanta Startup Podcast. Everyone have a great rest of your day. Take care!

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The Atlanta Startup Podcast is proudly hosted by Valor VC. Valor is a venture capital firm that leads seed rounds in AI and B2B SaaS startups. If you like the podcast, check out more of Valor’s programs for courageous founders and investors, like Startup Runway. 

Over $100M in early-stage venture capital and counting is catalyzed through Startup Runway’s grant-making program for pre-seed startups. Go to StartupRunway Dot ORG to learn more and apply directly for non-dilutive capital. 

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At Valor, courage is the currency of innovation and the heartbeat of our culture. Thanks for listening and come back next week.