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Note – This podcast is 100% AI, generated with Google’s Notebook ML based on information we provided from articles we published about Vic. 

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Female AI Voice
Ever feel like you’re just drowning information? You know, like you’re just bombarded with it constantly?
Male AI Voice
That’s overwhelming.
Female AI Voice
It really is, yeah. And so, like, imagine trying to be a venture capitalist, you know, sifting through just thousands and thousands of startups, right, each one buying for attention and funding.

Male AI Voice
Oh, yeah.
Female AI Voice
Today we’re diving deep into how one firm, Valor Ventures, is using AI to navigate this just deluge and potentially change the game for everybody.
Male AI Voice
Yeah, and it’s not even just about keeping up. It’s about uncovering the hidden gems, the startups with the potential to be the next big thing.
Female AI Voice
Right, and Valor is known for their seed stage investments, right? So that means that they’re looking at companies that are just getting off the ground. They’re just getting started. They reviewed over 2000 startups last year alone.

Male AI Voice

Female AI Voice
I can’t even imagine.
Male AI Voice
Yeah, it’s mind-boggling, isn’t it? It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is constantly growing.

Female AI Voice
Okay, so how do they do it? How does Valor manage this? Just insane amount of data they’ve built, something called an infinite analyst. Does that sound ominous, or is it just me?
Male AI Voice
A little bit of both, maybe, but it’s not some Sci-Fi nightmare or anything like that. Okay, they’ve actually. They’ve named their AI system Vic, and it’s built on GPT-04, Vic.
Female AI Voice
Okay, that’s a little less threatening than what I had pictured in my mind, but what makes Vic different from, just, say, plugging into chat?
Male AI Voice
GPT, it’s all about integration.
Female AI Voice

Male AI Voice
Vic is deeply embedded in valor systems. They have direct access to their CRM, their proprietary databases, everything.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
It’s not just analyzing information, it’s acting on it in real-time.
Female AI Voice
Okay, so walk me through this. What can Vic actually do that a human analyst can’t?

Male AI Voice
Well, imagine? You could read hundreds of web pages, research papers, even, like, financial reports, all in the blink of an eye.
Female AI Voice
Oh, wow.
Male AI Voice
That’s Vic’s bread and butter.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
And it’s not just skimming. It pulls out the key takeaways, the important numbers, the make-or-break details.
Female AI Voice
Okay, I’m starting to see the appeal here, because, I mean, time is money, especially in the fast-paced world of venture capital. But it goes beyond just reading, right?
Male AI Voice
Yeah, absolutely.
Female AI Voice
Like, what else can it do?
Male AI Voice
Seamlessly tap into massive databases, like Pitchbook, for example. Pulling up a company’s entire funding history, their key investors, even their competitors, all in seconds.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
And get this, it can take all that information and update valor systems automatically.
Female AI Voice
Oh, wow.
Male AI Voice
No more manual data entry, no more copy and pasting.

Female AI Voice
So let me get this straight. So, like, a valor team member could be, you know, reading an article, come across an interesting company, and just tell Vic to go investigate?
Male AI Voice
Precisely. I think it’d say, hey, Vic, I saw this company mentioned. Pull up their info and add them to our watch list.
Female AI Voice
Oh, my gosh.
Male AI Voice
Vic takes care of the rest.

Female AI Voice
That’s incredible. Yeah, it’s like having a super-powered research assistant working 24/7 do you have an example of how this actually plays out in the real world?

Male AI Voice
I do. Valor was reading an industry blog and came across a small mention of a startup building. Get this. Robotic pizza makers.
Female AI Voice
Robotic pizza makers. Okay, that’s something I need to see. But I bet a small mention in a blog post doesn’t give you a lot to go on.
Male AI Voice
You’re telling me. Yeah, it wouldn’t even be worth a human analyst’s time to even, like, chase down. But Valor told Vic to look into it. Vic scanned the article, identified the company, and instantly pulled up its pitchbook profile.
Female AI Voice
And I’m guessing Vic discovered they were a perfect fit for Valor.
Male AI Voice
They were in the right sector, raising a seed round, and looking for the kind of investment that valor typically makes.
Female AI Voice
Oh, wow.
Male AI Voice
Vic instantly added them as a lead in their CRM, even attaching the original article so the team could see where the lead came from.
Female AI Voice
Talk about efficiency.

Male AI Voice
I know, right?
Female AI Voice
No more spending hours, you know, googling companies or digging through spreadsheets. Yeah, but I bet this is just the tip of the iceberger.
Male AI Voice
Absolutely. This is way more than just, like, you know, sourcing new leads.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
Remember all that data that Valor tracks on their portfolio companies?
Female AI Voice
Yeah, like, what kind of stuff are we talking about?
Male AI Voice
Meeting notes, financials, performance metrics, all that stuff.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
Vic helps them wrangle all that.
Female AI Voice
Too huge, because that stuff’s important. But it takes time to go through it all and make sense of it.
Male AI Voice
Female AI Voice
And so, like, what used to take days to pull together, you know, for a quarterly report, Vic can now handle in a fraction of the time.
Male AI Voice
Female AI Voice
So imagine being able to ask, hey, Vic, how did company x perform last quarter compared to the same time last year? And getting an instant answer.
Male AI Voice
It’s about having the insights to make, like, smart decisions fast.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
So let’s say Valor’s having a brainstorming session about how to best support one of their portfolio companies. They need to know how much cash the startup has on hand. What their burn rate looks like, right? Boom. Vic pulls up the latest figures instantly. Wow. No more digging through spreadsheets or waiting for someone to get back from vacation.
Female AI Voice
It’s like having a superpower, right? You can make decisions in the moment based on the most up-to-date information.
Male AI Voice
Yeah, you’re not working with old data.
Female AI Voice
Right? No more awkward pauses or worse, realizing a week later you were working with outdated numbers.
Male AI Voice
Female AI Voice
Okay, I’m sold. Vic sounds amazing. But what about the bigger picture here? How does this, like, infinite analyst concept change the VC landscape as a whole?
Male AI Voice
Okay, so that’s the really fascinating part. Okay, one of the biggest challenges in VC is overcoming unconscious bias.
Male AI Voice
Investors are human, right? And humans have a tendency to gravitate towards what feels familiar.
Female AI Voice
You mean like investing in companies that remind them of, like, their own experiences? Or maybe founders who went to the same schools?
Male AI Voice
Exactly. And those biases, even when they’re unintentional, can lead to missed opportunities. It’s no secret that women-led startups and those founded by people of color often struggle to secure funding.
Female AI Voice
So how does an AI system like Vic help level the playing field?
Male AI Voice
Because Vic doesn’t see gender or race. It doesn’t care about your alma mater or whether you play golf. It’s laser-focused on the business itself.
Female AI Voice
Oh, wow.
Male AI Voice
The startup is solving the team’s expertise, their traction in the market.
Female AI Voice
So it could actually help surface promising startups that might otherwise be overlooked simply because they don’t fit like the traditional VC mold.
Male AI Voice
Right. And that’s huge. It’s about making this system more equitable, more focused on merit. Of course, it’s not a magic bullet.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
There are still challenges to address.
Female AI Voice
Like what?
Male AI Voice
Data bias is a big one.
Female AI Voice
Okay, so you’re saying that if the information that Vic is trained on is skewed in a certain direction, its analysis and recommendations are going to reflect that.
Male AI Voice
Exactly. Valor is very aware of this and constantly works to ensure that Vic is trained on a diverse and representative data set.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
They’re building a system that’s fair and transparent.
Female AI Voice
So it sounds like transparency is going to be key as AI plays a larger role in VC. Like, can you really trust a decision if you don’t understand how it was made?
Male AI Voice
Absolutely. Especially when you’re talking about something as life-changing as funding a startup.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
Valor understands this and is committed to building explainability into Vic’s decision-making processes.
Female AI Voice
That makes sense.
Male AI Voice
Female AI Voice
Yeah. Like, imagine being an entrepreneur and you get this rejection email and it just says, like Rai said, not very helpful?
Male AI Voice
Not at all. And that’s where the human touch is still really crucial.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
Valor’s goal is to use Vic to augment their team’s expertise, not replace it. They can provide the context, the nuance, and the empathy that an AI just simply can’t replicate.

Female AI Voice
So it sounds like we’re not heading towards a world where robots are just deciding, you know, which startups live or die.
Male AI Voice
Not yet, at least.
Female AI Voice
Okay, good to know. Good to know. But it does kind of raise an interesting question, though. If more and more VC firms start using AI, how does that change the game for entrepreneurs who are out there raising money?
Male AI Voice
Oh, it’s a whole new ballgame in a lot of ways.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
I mean, think about it. Like, your pitch deck might be absolutely brilliant, but what if it never even reaches the right eyes? Oh, wow. Or what if your startup is in a sector that’s kind of overlooked or misunderstood by traditional investors?
Female AI Voice
You mean like robotic pizza makers?
Male AI Voice
Exactly. An AI like Vic wouldn’t be swayed by those kinds of biases. They’ll look at the fundamentals of the team, the market opportunity, the traction you’re gaining.
Female AI Voice
So, in a way, this could actually be a good thing for entrepreneurs.
Male AI Voice
I think so, yeah.
Female AI Voice
Yeah, because it levels the playing field.
Male AI Voice
It does.
Female AI Voice
You’re not relying on who you know or how well you network. It’s about the strength of your business.
Male AI Voice
And the data you can actually show for it.
Female AI Voice
Male AI Voice
Your financials need to be rock solid. Your pitch deck needs to be crystal clear and compelling, even to an AI.
Female AI Voice
Okay, so it’s almost like entrepreneurs need to optimize for two audiences now. Yeah, the human investors and the AI gatekeepers.
Male AI Voice
I’d say so. And that means being data-driven in, like, every aspect of your business. You have to track your metrics, you analyze your results, be prepared to back up your claims with hard evidence.
Female AI Voice
It’s like the old saying, you know, show, don’t tell. But in this case, it’s show the data and then show it again.
Male AI Voice
Exactly. And don’t underestimate the importance of your online presence, okay? Your website, your LinkedIn profiles, even your social media activity, it’s all data points for an AI to analyze.
Female AI Voice
So, no more neglecting your LinkedIn profile because you’re too busy building your business.
Male AI Voice
Female AI Voice
It all matters now.
Male AI Voice
It all tells a story, and you want that story to be consistent, compelling, and impossible to ignore. For both humans and AI’s, it’s a.
Female AI Voice
Brave new world out there, that’s for sure. But it sounds like with the right approach, AI could actually make the startup ecosystem more fair and efficient, helping to connect the most promising ideas with the resources they need to succeed.
Male AI Voice
That’s the hope, isn’t it? To use these powerful technologies to unlock human potential, to break down barriers, and to empower the next generation of innovators, no matter who they are or where they come from.
Female AI Voice
I love that. It’s not about replacing human judgment, it’s about amplifying it. Using AI as a tool to help us make smarter, faster, and ultimately more equitable decisions.
Male AI Voice
Precisely. And who knows what the future holds? As AI continues to evolve, we might see even more creative and unexpected applications in the VC world.
Female AI Voice
Oh yeah, like maybe we’ll have AI co-founders or AI-powered incubators, right? The possibilities are kind of endless.
Male AI Voice
It’s an exciting time to be paying attention, that’s for sure.
Female AI Voice
It definitely is. And on that note, we’ll leave you with this thought. As AI becomes more prevalent in shaping the future of innovation, what role do you envision playing in this evolving landscape?
Male AI Voice
It’s something for all of us to consider, whether we’re investors, entrepreneurs, or simply curious minds eager to witness the next chapter unfold.
Female AI Voice
That’s it for today’s deep dive into the world of AI-powered venture capital. We hope you found this exploration insightful and maybe even a little bit inspiring. Until next time, keep asking questions, keep exploring, and keep your eyes on the horizon, because the future of innovation is closer than you think.

The following input was used to generate the podcast using Google’s Notebook ML:
Thanks for being a part of the community of courage by listening to the visionary founders and investors on the Atlanta Startup Podcast. Subscribe now so you don’t miss a single episode of the over 200 investors and founders sharing their insider tips and secrets to growth. Our regular listeners tell us we’re the briefing room for the innovation economy in the fastest-growing region of the country, the South –and when you subscribe, you become part of the inside circle.

The Atlanta Startup Podcast is proudly hosted by Valor VC. Valor is a venture capital firm that leads seed rounds in AI and B2B SaaS startups. If you like the podcast, check out more of Valor’s programs for courageous founders and investors, like Startup Runway. 

Over $100M in early-stage venture capital and counting is catalyzed through Startup Runway’s grant-making program for pre-seed startups. Go to StartupRunway Dot ORG to learn more and apply directly for non-dilutive capital. 

Valor celebrates VC DAY, the largest early-stage private capital conference in the region, at the end of the year. The top founders in the region, leading VCs, endowments, and family offices focusing on venture capital outperformance attend. Learn more at VC.Day.

At Valor, courage is the currency of innovation and the heartbeat of our culture. Thanks for listening and come back next week.